New features & enhancements
Locked dates by department
It’s now possible to setup locked dates for a specific department instead of just the entire company.

Approval from Wallchart
As an approver or admin user, approval from clicking on the booking on the wallchart is now possible to avoid needing to navigate to the approval page.
Projected vs actual billing costs
The projected vs actual billing costs are now shown in the admin billing page:

Bug fixes
- Approver override – An issue has now been resolved, where when a booking gets cancelled it notifies the right approver
- Search – In some cases users were not returned in the search results
- Admin User – User email marked as an error is now cleared once the next successful email is delivered
- Admin User – When editing a user in admin, in some cases the leave override could impact the page layout
- Department – When editing half day allowance in Dept/Company, in some cases it was rounded incorrectly
- Login – Logins will once again be active for 8 hours before timeout and won’t require a login each time the product is accessed
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