Picture this, you’re an HR coordinator at one of the companies. Due to poor employee leave management, you struggle with keeping the records of employee leave and absences.

Somedays, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to seamlessly manage the payroll activities, which eventually results in severe error and frustration within the employees. This creates significant trouble in your relationship with the employees.

Sounds familiar?

Though the world today has been making a shift from traditional approaches to a modern technology-based approach, there have been a few companies that are yet to participate in this technological wave.

The results of the same are to be borne by the HR managers and the employees. Leave management has always been one of the most crucial aspects of the HR department. Mismanagement of the same can have repercussions that can broadly impact a company’s employer brand.

This mismanagement results from the absence management challenges faced by the HR managers on a daily basis. Some of the most prominent challenges are:

Improper Leave Tracking

Holidays are important to employees. There are a few times during the year wherein multiple employees will be applying for holiday leave at a time. Without a systematic approach in place, it can turn out quite gruelling for you to manage those requests simultaneously and keep a proper record of the same.

It’s a daunting task, isn’t it? However, it can become a nightmare when the inefficiency in managing these leave requests results in payroll errors. This scenario takes place when HR managers are handling and tracking the leave manually or in the absence of a systematic approach.

The situation can become more challenging when the company is going through a significant expansion and the manpower size increases significantly. Opting for smart leave scheduling and tracking software can be the best solution for the company’s changing needs.

Unhappy Employees

Repeated challenges and poor Employee Leave Management can not only take a toll on the mental health of HR managers but can also lead the employees of the company to an eventual burn-out.

Your employees are your best brand advocates. But, when these same brand advocates suffer from irregular salary payments due to poor employee leave management, they start losing attachment with the company.

Unhappy employees soon become disengaged at their workplace and lose their daily productivity. Something that you might quickly start witnessing in their monthly work progress reports. Employees are the heart of any company. If you do not have an efficient leave management process in place, sooner you will witness a deteriorating level of productivity and efficiency.

Inefficient Payroll

Leave management and payroll management are directly connected. Improper management in the first one can directly affect the later one. When the absences and leave are mismanaged, payroll errors are bound to occur.

Either the employees will be underpaid, or they will be overpaid. In the worst situation, they might not be even paid for the particular period. Such a poorly managed payroll due to a lack of intelligent and strategic leave management can just turn out into a nightmare with some adverse impact on the employer brand image of the company.

So, what’s the solution?

Today, most companies have leave policies in place that is in accordance with the company’s culture. The policy helps the HR managers efficiently and rightly manage the leave processes. 

So, whenever there is a new joiner within the organisation, companies should share the leave policy and structure to introduce the employee to the company’s culture, beliefs, and principles.

If not done, it can create a series of confusions and, eventually, a series of inquiry emails in the HR manager’s inbox. When the employees are completely aware of the leave policy and structure, it leaves little to no room for confusion regarding the number of leave offered or how to apply for these leave.

Another efficient way to solve the bottlenecks of leave management is by opting for robust leave management software. Software that offers automation and streamlined management of employee leave. 

ScheduleLeave has been one of the prominent players in this field. You can start your free trial here!