New features & enhancements
Highlighting invalid emails
When creating a new user within the admin panel, we now flag invalid email address domains or email addresses which ‘bounce’. The admin creating the user account will be notified by email, they will also see in the admin panel when looking at users, a red background and a hover over ‘error’ label as to the issue reported with the email address provided:

Simplifying the card entry system
When adding or updating your card information on the billing page, we now take you to a new card entry page in the system to simplify the process:

Customisable start and end dates on reports
Now on the user leave stats report as well as the Bradford factor report, customisable start and end dates are now possible to allow you to narrow or widen your criteria for reporting purposes:

Mobile wallchart changes
Now when on mobile devices, when viewing the Wallchart in “week view”, it will auto-land to the current week as opposed to the start of the month.
Billing page invoices enhancement
Previously the invoice section on the billing page would continuously grow, now a default of 5 are shown with a pages toggle to navigate to older invoices.
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